






O mně: Drummer all my life, past bands: Elevator22, Demonihl, Mortal Annoyance, Deadly Romantics. I have a MASSIVE foot fetish I have always loved the sight of female barefeet or in thong flops, seeing their painted toes and foot jewelry, it just is arousal level 11 for me!. One of my old girlfriends from my 20`s said I had pretty feet for a guy and things just snowballed from there over the years and voila here I am! a male foot fetish model LOL. I am In a relationship with an awesome girl, we are both bi and looking for some gay or bi men to join us in a 3 to 4 sum gangbang and yes this will involve us double penetrating her and letting you fill her up with you`re cum (for the bisexual folks). I am versatile would prefer twinks or sissies to top only and open to everyone else for flip fucking, cheers! PS in case you have not figured it out I love my feet and love having them worshipped, so feet lovers to the front please!

O mně

Drummer all my life, past bands: Elevator22, Demonihl, Mortal Annoyance, Deadly Romantics. I have a MASSIVE foot fetish I have always loved the sight of female barefeet or in thong flops, seeing their painted toes and foot jewelry, it just is arousal level 11 for me!. One of my old girlfriends from my 20`s said I had pretty feet for a guy and things just snowballed from there over the years and voila here I am! a male foot fetish model LOL. I am In a relationship with an awesome girl, we are both bi and looking for some gay or bi men to join us in a 3 to 4 sum gangbang and yes this will involve us double penetrating her and letting you fill her up with you`re cum (for the bisexual folks). I am versatile would prefer twinks or sissies to top only and open to everyone else for flip fucking, cheers!

PS in case you have not figured it out I love my feet and love having them worshipped, so feet lovers to the front please!
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Jak vypadám

  • Národnost:
  • Typ těla:
  • Délka vlasů:
    Velmi krátké
  • Barva vlasů:
  • Barva očí:
  • Výška:
    6 stop 75 palců (191 cm)

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